Go to Greg: Are headhunters a good idea?

Written By Unknown on Senin, 30 September 2013 | 23.16

By Greg Giangrande

September 30, 2013 | 7:13am

My oldest daughter's job search has yielded little results. I am willing to pay for the services of a career coach or headhunter to help her. Do you think that is necessary?

Listen, I've got an 8-year-old daughter, and I'm sure the desire to help Daddy's Little Girl never ends. But before you spend your hard-earned money, there are numerous free resources available to help evaluate your daughter's job search. First, I'd enlist the advice of working friends and family. Also, the career services offices and alumni from her former colleges are a lifelong career advice network. There are few absolutes in the job search, but one is never to pay for a headhunter or job placement firm. They make money placing you. For the average job seeker, I'd exhaust all other free advice from those in your network before retaining the services of a coach.

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