Dolan: Pope Francis may visit sex-abuse victims

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 08 Maret 2014 | 23.16

New York's Timothy Cardinal Dolan says he anticipates that Pope Francis will meet with sex-abuse victims.

Dolan told David Gregory in an interview taped Friday for NBC News' "Meet the Press" that he has met with victims, most bishops and pastors have, too, and the pope "probably will" also.

Pope Francis has come under criticism for doing too little after announcing a commission of experts to study ways of protecting children three months ago.

Dolan says in the interview the church needs to do more on the issue. But he says child sex abuse is a societal and cultural problem and the church shouldn't be singled out.

When asked his view on openly gay Missouri football star Michael Sam, Dolan says, "Bravo."

Dolan's full interview will air Sunday.

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